Simon Murray
As my user name would suggest, I am a bit of a texture freak to say the least.
I work with textures everyday either creating stuff for work or for my texture website.
I love going out to explore new cities and countries taking photos of as many different surfaces as I can find. If you happen to see some guy standing in front of a brick wall with a camera, that could quite possibly be me.
In my spare time away from textures, I love to read and practice the arts of Shaolin Kung Fu / Jeet Kune Do and play the odd computer game or three.
10 texturas de pedra mista sem costura
Texturas de tijolos modernas sem costura
8 texturas de gesso sem costura
10 texturas de cerâmica sem costura
10 texturas de metal canelado
6 texturas de madeira sem costura
Texturas de neve e gelo sem costura
Texturas de concreto limpo
Texturas de gesso danificado Vol.02
Texturas de gesso danificado Vol.01
Texturas de areia de areia e areia
Texturas de grama verde sem costura
Texturas de pranchas de madeira
Pequenas texturas de azulejos
Texturas de Marble Madness
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