Sanjana Fitness


Address: Los Angeles, CA 90048

Sanjana fitness is a woman-owned and led health and wellness business with the goal of guiding you on your fitness journey. We believe that change begins from the inside and that society is a reflection of each of us. "Sanjana" means "gentle" and "creator," exemplifying respect for the physical self and the power you have to create change from within. Every story is important and every body is a temple. A positive mindset can not only affect your body and your health, it can help you shape the world around you. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge you need to continue your lifelong fitness journey. As you grow, we grow together.

Your Online Personal Fitness Trainers: Sanjana fitness believes in a whole-self, body-as-a-system approach to holistic health and wellness. We treat mental and physical health as codependent, because the mind thrives within a sound body and ambitious goals can only be met with positive inner dialogue. Our aim is to lead you on a customized journey of strength and confidence-building and to empower you with the tools for a long and healthy life. We can't wait to meet you.



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