
Mr. Claremont Real Estate


Address: 2293 Bonnie Brae Ave, Claremont, CA 91711

Phone: 909 731 5374

Realtor, BA, Cert. Luxury Home Specialist with Over 11 years of full-time experience!
– Ranked top Producer Re Max champions
– Member of National and California Association’s of Realtor’s
– Bachelor’s Degree from Cal Poly Pomona
– Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
– Local expert & has Lived in the foothill community for over 29 years
Before selling your property there are a few things you should know before you list. When you enlist a Realtor to sell your property you place the responsibility of one of your largest assets onto that person. Trusting that person and knowing that the process will be handled professionally from beginning to end is critical to a successful sale. From marketing procedures, tough negotiations, loan details, escrow details, inspections and consistent communication throughout the entire transaction, it is my goal to provide the best service possible.

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