
Sajid Holy teaches members exactly how professionals design websites and print designs in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and CorelDraw from the initial concept and layout, to the HTML and CSS and other advanced prepress design concepts. Students are presented with a website design or stationery design challenge where instructors will critique and guide their work into perfection. We're more than just a web design and graphic design course, many of our students wish to become full time web and graphic specialist or freelance designers, so we provide and encourage them with adequate and essential information and resources to sharpen their skills and help establish their own freelance design business online. From constructing a successful service based website, to finding clients, we provide our students with the potential to make $xxx,xxx per year as freelance web and graphic designer. emphasizes strongly on learning brand identity framing, corportae identity showcasing and logo design from the very beginning of the course. Each month contains expert guidance through video tutorials that enables the student to determine exactly how the best logo designers create logos within Major Corel and Adobe Products.

We present a logo design challenge in our design workshop at particular intervals where students submit their own designs for review by our offers quality oriented online web design course and online graphic design course in a real time environment with latest technology updates with a month-to-month series of exclusive and knowledge rich tutorials and 1-on-1 training. We guide you to develop your skills, and professional designers with years of experience that will help you boost your career towards new horizons of success.

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